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Welcome to LHM.
We invite you to enjoy a tour of what we believe is Canada’s leading dental laboratory services company.

Join us, and discover LHM.
Excellence may mean many things to many people. To us at LHM it means painstakingly researching all the newest developments in dentistry and dental technology, then providing the best of these to our clients.

Developments like “CAD CAM”, Zirconia, Titanium, and Sinfony are just a few examples.

Excellence to us means that we must offer our clients the widest possible range of choices from today’s products and procedures such as Pure Titanium castings and Dental gingival staining, metal-free crowns and bridges, digital colour evaluation, and treatment planning for all implant systems at a quality that is unmatched in the industry.

LHM understands that excellence will only be achieved when you reach for the highest possible standards. Everything LHM does is subject to the very strictest Quality Controls thus ensuring that we continue to provide the best for the best - “our clients”.

Finally, all of these elements are then coordinated by what we believe is our greatest asset “our people”, a motivated team of LHM professionals dedicated to “job one” – quality customer service.

Enjoy your visit and discover The Essence of Excellence


© 2005-2007 Lindberg Homburger Modent Dental Studios Ltd. All Rights Reserved
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